Our Current Projects

2024 Primary Street Project

The 2024 Primary Street Project is slated for North Columbus Street from Union Street to Main Street.  The project will be a 2-inch mill and pave project slated for the 2024 season.  Secondary projects are being considered for the 2024 season as well.

N Columbus St, Crestline OH


We know this will create an inconvenience for many of our residents in the area during the project.  We thank you for your patience while we work to improve the streets in your neighborhood.

Notice of 2024 Residential Sidewalk Grant Replacement Program

Village Council has authorized the 2024 Village of Crestline Residential Sidewalk Grant Program! If your sidewalks are in bad shape, here is your opportunity to get a little help from the village for repair or replacement!

Sidewalk replacement

Residential properties are eligible for up to 25% of the total project costs to repair or replace their sidewalks.

See the application packet online for rules and qualifications. 

Applications are due to the Village by Thursday August 29, 2024 for review and approval.  

Parks & Recreation Splash Pad Project

The Village of Crestline is investing in its future in the Parks and Recreation areas.  Plans for the 2024 year are to design and build a splash pad in the vicinity of the swimming pool area.  The pool has been neglected for a number of years and is not able to be fixed for the amount of grant funding the village has received.  We have been authorized by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to change directions and utilize those monies for a splash pad that will begin construction in early 2024!

Splash pad illustration

Beginning on March 1st, the Village began removing many of the items from the swimming pool operations to make way for the splash pad to be installed.  Over the next couple of months there will be activity at the site hauling in dirt, packing the ground to level out the area, removing the slide, pumps, and lines that are no longer needed and prepare the area for the splash pad installation for operation in 2024!  This does unfortunately mean that the swimming pool will be permanently closed.

The total project is estimated to cost $ 405,000.00.  The Village of Crestline will use the ODNR Grant that was originally scoped for the swimming pool in the amount of $ 343,000.00 towards the splash pad project, leaving the villages investment at $ 62,000.00.  Once the splash pad is complete the Parks and Recreation Committee will hold a Grand Opening for the venue which will feature an inclusive design for all children regardless of their needs.

Splash pad illustration

The Village of Crestline is dedicated to ensuring that our Parks and Recreation facilities are inclusive of all parties.  We will also feature LED lighting for small light shows.  The Splash Pad will be FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC during a set number of hours to be discussed by the committee in the near future.

Targeted Completion Date: July 2024

Sewer Force Main – WWTP Project Park Road – South

Construction Notice

Work is slated to begin the week of March 4, 2024, on the Force Main replacement through the highlighted alleyway on the West side of Park Road. 

During the project period, there will be NO PARKING in the alleyway until construction is completed.

During the project period, there will be NO PARKING on Park Road from the property of Love Action Church, going South to the Bridge on Park Road over Paramour Creek.

This is to allow room for equipment and workers to complete their work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

During the project period, TEMPORARY PARKING will be allowed on the West and South sides of Maple Drive by the homeowners affected by the project.

We know this will create an inconvenience for many of our residents in the area during the project.  We thank you for your patience while we work to improve the sewer system in your neighborhood

Work to begin the week of March 4, 2024

Work to be completed by April 1, 2024

WWTP Project Park Road - South

Sewer Force Main – WWTP Project Park Road – North

Construction Notice

Work is slated to begin the week of March 4, 2024, on the Force Main replacement through the highlighted alleyway on the West side of Park Road. 

During the project period, there will be NO PARKING in the alleyway until construction is completed.

During the project period, there will be NO PARKING on Park Road from the property of Love Action Church, going South to the Bridge on Park Road over Paramour Creek.

This is to allow room for equipment and workers to complete their work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

During the project period, TEMPORARY PARKING will be allowed on the West and South sides of Maple Drive by the homeowners affected by the project.

We know this will create an inconvenience for many of our residents in the area during the project.  We thank you for your patience while we work to improve the sewer system in your neighborhood.

Work to begin the week of March 4, 2024

Work to be completed by April 1, 2024

Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the Village of Crestline at Village Hall, 100 N. Seltzer Street, Crestline, OH 44827 until Friday July 26, 2024, at 12:00 PM local time, for furnishing all material and equipment required and performing all labor required for the following work:

Village of Crestline – Waterline Extensions Project, Leesville

Said improvements to be done in accordance with Plans and Specifications on file in the office of K. E. McCartney and Associates, 52 N. Diamond Street, Mansfield, OH 44902, (419)525-0093.

Copies of Plans and Specifications may be obtained by contacting the Engineer’s office at the above address. A non-refundable fee of Fifty ($50) dollars plus shipping and handling will be charged for each set of Plans and Specifications requested. Bids submitted from bidders who have obtained plans and specifications from other sources will not be accepted.

Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal, a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond in accordance with Section 153.54 of the Ohio Revised Code. Bid security furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety.

Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein. Each bidder must submit evidence of its experiences on projects of similar size and complexity. The owner intends and requires that this project be completed no later than April 30, 2025.

All contractors and subcontractors involved with the project will, to the extent practicable use Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of their project. Additionally, contract compliance with the equal opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor’s Executive Order of 1972, and the Governor’s Executive Order 84-9 shall be required.

Sealed bids will be publicly opened on the above date, read aloud and an award made at that time to which considerations of said bids may be duly adjourned, as provided by law.

The bidder to whom the contract is awarded will be required to furnish a surety bond acceptable to the Village of Crestline in the sum of 100% of the amount of the contract, as a guarantee to the faithful performance and completion of the work called for in the Plans and Specifications.

The Village of Crestline is an equal opportunity community and encourages minority and women owned businesses to complete for all contracts offered by the Village.

The minimum wage paid to all laborers employed by this contract shall be in accordance with the schedule of prevailing hourly wage rates in Crawford County as ascertained and determined by the US Secretary of Labor (Davis-Bacon Act).

This procurement is subject to the EPA policy of encouraging the participation of small business in rural areas (SBRAs).

The Village of Crestline reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids. The Village of Crestline will determine and accept any bid which is the lowest and best acceptable bid to the village.